Fast Weight Loss With Tomato Juice

Tomato Juice diet for fast weight loss!

Tomato Diet Plan
Those who have already made the Tomato Juice Diet are happy and recommend it! Powerful and functional!
A 5 day treatment to start a change in your figure, combining tomato juice and tea you will be amazed by the fast results and the quality of this food.
After the 5 days and the belly disappearing, try to exchange for green juice for another 30 days and lose weight naturally with great health.
Amazing and functional.

The 5 Benefits of Tomato Juice That Will Help You Lose Weight:

1 – It has few calories: 200 ml of tomato juice has only 30 calories;

2 – Increase satiety: The fibers present in tomato juice delay the emptying of the stomach, prolonging the sensation of satiety and, consequently, decreasing the appetite throughout the day;

3 – It improves the functioning of the intestine: Its fibers and the great concentration of water present in the juice help to clean the organism, eliminating toxins naturally through the feces;

4 – Contains lycopene: This antioxidant reduces the inflammatory processes commonly associated with overweight, favoring digestion at the cellular level and also the elimination of fats by the body;

5 – It has B vitamins: These vitamins accelerate the metabolism, helping to lose weight.


In order to enjoy its weight-loss effects, especially those related to lycopene, it is recommended to take 7 tomatoes daily as juice.

 Tomato Juice Recipe to Lose Weight

4 tomatoes;
Half cup of ice water;
Juice of a lemon;
Pepper sauce;
A spoonful of chopped parsley;

Method of preparation of Tomato Diet:

Wash the tomatoes well;
Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the seeds;
Beat the tomatoes, water and lemon juice with salt and pepper sauce to taste;
Strain the juice;
Add parsley and drink the following